If you are arrested for DUI in Arizona, police may tow your vehicle and place a 30 day hold upon it. The DUI charges which permit police to impound your vehicle for 30 days include:
- Extreme DUI pursuant to A.R.S 28-1382A1 where your alcohol concentration is alleged to be above .150
- Super Extreme DUI pursuant to A.R.S. 28-1381A2 where your alcohol concentration is alleged to be above .20
- Aggravated DUI - Aggravated DUI occurs in Arizona where you are charged with DUI and have a child under the age of 15 years old in the vehicle with you, have two prior DUI convictions within the past seven years or were driving on a suspended, revoked or restricted license at the time of the DUI arrest.
When your vehicle is impounded, police will issue you a Notice of Impound which will inform you of the reason for the impound, location where your car is being held and the contact information of the facility where your car is stored.
Under Arizona law, an Extreme DUI, Super Extreme DUI and Aggravated DUI will result in significant towing a storage fees because of the 30 day impound. You do have the right to request a hearing however. Some of the arguments which can lead to release of your vehicle include:
- Someone else was driving your vehicle and arrested for DUI
- The vehicle is owned by a third party
- No evidence exists that your alcohol concentration was above .15 or .20
Additionally, if you are married or another individual is on the registration/title to the vehicle, they may retrieve it from impound. However, they must sign a form stating that you will not drive the vehicle for a specific period of time.
Once the 30 day period has expired, you may obtain a release of your vehicle from the police department and retrieve it from the storage facility. To do this, all fees must be paid and proof of a valid license, registration and insurance me be presented. You should not wait to long before having your vehicle released as a towing company may attempt to obtain ownership of your car if more than 10 days has passed since the 30 day impound expires.
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