Probation Violation Attorney
(480) 833-8613 for Immediate Help

Former Police Detective
Former Felony Prosecutor
Twenty Years Criminal Defense
Probation is used as a punishment by the state of Arizona as an alternative to jail time and has certain conditions and terms which must be followed. If the terms of probation are violated, there may be consequences that include immediate time in jail or prison. These violations can be as simple as failing to pay a fine or failing to complete a portion of a rehabilitation or community service program.
If you have been accused of violating your probation, you need legal representation from an experienced attorney. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the Law Office of Raymond Kimble provides criminal defense for individuals charged with probation and parole violations in Phoenix, Maricopa County and throughout the state. A former prosecutor and police detective with more than 20 years of experience in the criminal justice system, lawyer Raymond Kimble understands what it takes to protect your rights.
Types of Probation Violations:
There are many potential infractions that can be cited by state officials as a probation violation. These may include:
- Failure to pay fines or restitution to victims
- Possession of firearms
- Possession of illegal drugs
- Failure to enroll in or complete rehabilitation programs or community service
- Associating with known criminals
- Failure to report to probation officer
- Being accused of a new criminal offense
Defending a Probation Violation Charge:
In many cases, there are often acceptable explanations as to why a probation violation has occurred and our firm will use any relevant evidence to present an effective defense. In cases where the violation was a legitimate mistake, the court may decide to reinstate you on probation instead of imposing any additional jail or prison time. An experienced lawyer can help negotiate for reinstatement of probation and help you avoid imprisonment.
Contact Us Today: (480) 833-8613
Once you have violated your probation, an arrest or bench warrant will be issued and you will be required to appear in court. You also risk being held in jail until the probation violation is resolved. Phoenix probation violations attorney Raymond Kimble can review your situation, prepare your case, and defend you against these charges. Raymond Kimble has years of experience defending clients who have violated their probation, and can provide you with the superior representation you need.