Goodyear Domestic Violence Defense


Call (480) 833-8613 For Immediate Help

  • Former Police Officer

  • Former Prosecutor

  • Twenty Years Defending Domestic Violence Charges

Domestic Violence involves alleged criminal behavior, acts of abuse or violence between people related by blood, spouses, intimate partners, people who live in the same household or those who have children in common.  Being arrested and charged with Domestic Violence in Goodyear puts you at risk of  very severe punishments including probation, jail, mandatory classes and an order by the court prohibiting contact between you and your loved ones.  The police and prosecutors in Goodyear routinely press forward in Domestic Violence cases even when victims don't want to testify in court.  

Domestic Violence Charges Are Serious!

There are a number of crimes which may be characterized as Domestic Violence offenses in Goodyear.  Some of these allegations are considered misdemeanors while others may be prosecuted in Superior Court as more serious felony charges.  Additionally, a domestic violence offense that is normally considered a misdemeanor can be upgraded to a more serious felony charge if you have previous Domestic Violence convictions on your record. This is often referred to as Aggravated Domestic Violence.

Offenses Which Can Be Prosecuted Under The Domestic Violence Statute In Arizona Include:

  • Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult Abuse                                                               
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Assault
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Custodial Interference
  • Dangerous Crimes against Children
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Endangerment
  • Harassment
  • Interfering with Judicial Proceedings
  • Kidnapping or Unlawful Imprisonment
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder
  • Negligent Homicide
  • Sexual Assault
  • Stalking
  • Threatening and Intimidating

What Happens if You're Convicted of Domestic Violence?

Again, prosecutors in Goodyear  take Domestic Violence allegations extremely seriously and aggressively prosecute individuals who appear in the Goodyear City Court.  The penalties which result from being arrested, charged  and convicted for a Domestic Violence Offense in Goodyear are largely dependent upon your criminal history and the specific facts of the case.  

Punishment for a Domestic Violence Offense Might Include:
  1. Probation
  2. Mandatory Classes
  3. Jail
  4. Prison (in felony cases)
  5. Restitution
  6. Community Service

Additionally, people convicted of a domestic violence offense may be prohibited from having contact with their spouse, children or other family members, can lose their rights to possess a firearm and face revocation of a Fingerprint Clearance Card. Further, professional licenses may be at risk and it will become much more difficult to obtain employment and secure housing.

Defending a Domestic Violence Charge in Goodyear

Whether arrested for a misdemeanor or felony charge, it is extremely important to contact an experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney who can fully investigate all aspects of your case, recognize important issues, negotiate a dismissal or favorable resolution or competently represent you at trial. In some cases, false allegations of Domestic Violence are made as a way to gain an advantage in ongoing divorce or child custody situations.

Defenses Which can be Argued on Your Behalf Include:
  1. Self Defense
  2. Defense of a Third Person
  3. Defense of Property
  4. Illegal Search
  5. Violation of Miranda Warnings
  6. Being "merely present" when a crime was committed but not aiding or participating in any way
  7. Not intending to commit a criminal act
  8. Consent
  9. Duress

Call (480) 833-8613 for Help Now

As a former police officer, prosecutor and experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney, I know the criminal justice system, how prosecutors and police officers think and how to attack a  case from all angles.  I have represented thousands of people from all walks of life who have been charged with Domestic Violence offenses and have expertise in achieving a dismissal of the charges, negotiating favorable agreements and conducting trials in all types of criminal  cases. If you have been arrested or charged with Domestic Violence in Goodyear or any city in Maricopa or Pinal County, call for immediate help.

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Goodyear City Court

14455 West Van Buren

Suite B101

Goodyear, AZ 85338

(623) 882-7200