Drug Crimes Attorney
Call (480) 833-8613 for Immediate Help

Former Police Officer
Former Felony Prosecutor
- Twenty Years Criminal Defense
If you have been arrested and charged with a drug crime in the state of Arizona, including the possession of marijuana, you are facing significant consequences and a permanent mark on your criminal record that could make it more difficult to obtain employment, secondary education and other opportunities in the future. Police officers and prosecutors vigorously prosecute these cases and you need an experienced lawyer to protect your rights.
Criminal defense attorney Raymond Kimble represents individuals charged with drug offenses in Tempe, Phoenix and throughout the state of Arizona. As a former prosecutor and police detective, Mr. Kimble has dealt with drug offenses at every level and understands how arrests are made, how evidence is gathered and how cases are built against suspects. He will use this knowledge to thoroughly investigate your case, examine the conduct of police and present an effective defense.
At the Law Office of Raymond Kimble, we provide criminal defense for a variety of drug crimes, including:
- DUI drugs (driving under the influence of drugs)
- Possession of dangerous and narcotic drugs
- Possession of Marijuana
- Possession with intent to distribute drugs
- Sales and transportation of drugs
- Drug trafficking
- Drug manufacturing and cultivation
- Prescription drug fraud
We have worked with clients arrested for crimes involving marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and prescription drugs. Penalties for these crimes can range anywhere from probation, community service, large fines and drug treatment programs to jail and prison sentences.
For first time offenders arrested for the possession of marijuana, there may also be the option of completing a diversion or drug education program. The successful completion of this program will result in all charges ultimately being dismissed with no lasting mark on their criminal records. This program can benefit may people who have made simple errors in judgment and are facing long term penalties for their actions.