Call (480) 833-8613 for Immediate Help


Former Police Detective                         

Former Prosecutor

Over Twenty Years Criminal Defense                  

Given the number of winter visitors who visit Apache Junction each year as well as the city's tourist attractions and anticipated growth, the Apache Junction Police Department and Pinal County Sheriff work very closely with the City Prosecutor's Office and Pinal County Attorney to aggressively investigate, prosecute and punish people who are suspected of committing either felony and misdemeanor offenses.  Being charged with a crime in Apache Junction means you face potential jail or prison terms, probation, huge fines and a permanent mark on your record.   Consequently, you should immediate contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your legal rights, freedom and future. Attorney, Raymond Kimble is a former police officer and prosecutor and has amassed over twenty years experience defending thousands of clients who have been charged with committing a crime.   Mr. Kimble recognizes his clients have a constitutional right to an effective defense and takes a proactive approach to protect you.  Mr. Kimble has negotiated favorable resolutions for clients, has conducted many jury trials in the city, justice and superior courts and has litigated dozens of motions aimed at having evidence suppressed or cases dismissed. 

All Criminal Charges Are Serious

Any domestic violence offense, misdemeanor or felony charge can have  a negative impact on your future.  Aside from a potential jail or prison sentence, convictions could also result in:

  • Probation
  • Mandatory Counseling
  • Fines and Fees
  • Loss of Gun Ownership Rights
  • Loss of Important Civil Rights such as the Right to Vote
  • Forfeiture of Professional Licenses or Fingerprint Clearance Cards
  • Inability to Obtain Credit, Housing or Gainful Employment

Ray Kimble Defends Felonies in Apache Junction:

The Potential Punishment for Felony Crimes Are:

1.   Class 1 Felony -  Life in Prison

2.   Class 2 Felony -   Between 3 and 12.5 years in prison, up to 7 years probation (which may include one year in jail) and $150,000 in fines

3.   Class 3 Felony - Between 2 and 8.75 years in prison, up to 5 years probation (which may include one year in jail) and $150,000 in fines

4.   Class 4 Felony - Between 1 and 3.75 years in prison, up to 4 years probation (which may include one year in jail) and $150,000 in fines

5.   Class 5 Felony - Between 6 months and 2.5 years in prison, up to 3 years probation (which may include one year in jail) and $150,000 in fines

6.   Class 6 Felony - Between 4 months and 2 years in prison, up to 3 years probation (which may include one year in jail) and $150,000 in fines

You should be aware that felony crimes which are classified as Dangerous Offenses, Sex Assault and Sex Offenses committed against children have special sentencing provisions which require mandatory prison sentences greater than the general felony offenses listed above. Additionally, people who have prior felony convictions are also at risk of being classified as "repeat offenders" and sentenced to greater prison terms.

Charged with a Domestic Violence Offense in Apache Junction?

Domestic violence in Apache Junction, Arizona involves alleged crimes committed by spouses, family members, individuals who live together, or people involved in an intimate relationship against each other. Domestic violence offenses can be classified as misdemeanor or felony crimes and can result in a permanent conviction, probation, jail or prison terms.  Additionally, you may permanently lose your right to possess or own a firearm if convicted of certain domestic violence offenses.  

 Under Arizona law, domestic violence can include, but is not limited to the following offenses:

  • Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult Abuse                                                               
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Assault
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Custodial Interference
  • Dangerous Crimes against Children
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Endangerment
  • Harassment
  • Interfering with Judicial Proceedings
  • Kidnapping or Unlawful Imprisonment
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder
  • Negligent Homicide
  • Sexual Assault
  • Stalking
  • Threatening and Intimidating

Potential Defenses to a Criminal Charge?

Whether you've been charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense it is important to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can evaluate the facts of your case and aggressively use any available defenses to obtain the most favorable outcome.  Perhaps the most important concept in criminal cases is that the prosecutor carries the burden of proving individuals "guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt."  

Some Defenses Which Can Be Used To Argue Against a Criminal Charge Include:

  1. Self Defense
  2. Defense of a Third Person
  3. Defense of Property
  4. Illegal Search
  5. Violation of Miranda Warnings
  6. Being "merely present" when a crime was committed but not aiding or participating in any way
  7. Not intending to commit a criminal act
  8. Consent
  9. Duress

What Misdemeanor Offenses Do We Defend?

During the last twenty years, Attorney, Raymond Kimble has successfully defended people charged with various misdemeanor offenses in Apache Junction and throughout Maricopa and Pinal Counties.  Although the potential penalty for a misdemeanor conviction can involve probation, up to six months jail and fines of $2,500, an experienced attorney can help to have charges dismissed or to avoid harsh results such as probation and jail. 

Some of the misdemeanor charges Mr. Kimble commonly defends people against include:

  1. Domestic Violence
  2. Prostitution
  3. Shoplifting
  4. Assault
  5. Theft
  6. Criminal Damage

The Maximum Penalties for a Misdemeanor Offenses Are:

1.   Class 1 Misdemeanor - Six Months Jail, $2,500 fine plus surcharges and three years probation

2.   Class 2 Misdemeanor - Three Months Jail, $750 fine plus surcharges and three years probation

3.   Class 3 Misdemeanor - Thirty Days Jail, $500 fine plus surcharges and three years probation

What Court Will You Appear In?

When charged with a crime in Apache Junction, you will be ordered to appear in a City, Justice or Superior Court.   City and Justice Courts have jurisdiction over DUI, misdemeanor and traffic offenses while Superior Courts preside over more serious felony cases. The Court you are ordered to appear in will depend upon the classification of the criminal charge and what police department was responsible for your arrest.  There are three types of courts which preside over violations of Arizona's criminal statutes.  These include:

1. Apache Junction City Court - Will have jurisdiction over misdemeanor offenses which are investigated by the local police department

2. Apache Junction Justice Court - Has  jurisdiction over misdemeanor offenses which are investigated by the sheriff's office or Department of Public Safety

3. Pinal County Superior Court - Presides over felony crimes which occur in the county where the court is located.

What to Expect From Ray Kimble?

Ray Kimble is a former Police Officer, and Felony Prosecutor who has been defending people charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes in Apache Junction and throughout Maricopa and Pinal Counties during the last twenty years.  Mr. Kimble prides himself on being accessible to his clients at all times, including nights and weekends by cell phone, text message or e-mail.  If a client has a question or concern, Mr. Kimble prefers that it be addressed immediately.  Additionally, Ray Kimble offers his clients:

1. Experience - Mr. Kimble was a police officer and detective for ten years, a DUI and Felony Prosecutor and has been practicing DUI and Criminal Defense for over twenty years.

2. Personal Attention - Mr. Kimble will be solely responsible for your case and be directly accessible to you during business hours, at night and on weekends.

3. Full Investigation of Your Case - This includes reviewing police reports, body camera video, laboratory results, witness statements and consultation with you concerning the alleged incident. Mr. Kimble will also consult with necessary experts to assist in your defense.

4. Research - Legal Issues as well as circumstances concerning the facts of your case or important witnesses will be closely examined. 

5.  Effective Negotiations  - Often, intelligently crafted negotiations can lead to a reduction or dismissal of charges.

6. Clear Guidance - Mr. Kimble will fully evaluate your case and recommend the best course of action.     

Call (480) 833-8613 for Help Now

As a former police officer, prosecutor and experienced criminal defense attorney, I know the criminal justice system, how prosecutors and police officers think and how to attack a criminal charge from all angles.  I have represented thousands of people from all walks of life who have been charged with serious offenses and have expertise in achieving a dismissal of the charges, negotiating favorable agreements and conducting jury trials in all types of misdemeanor and felony cases. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Apache Junction or any city in Maricopa or Pinal County, call for immediate help.

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