The State of Arizona requires people engaged in various activities and occupations to obtain and maintain a fingerprint clearance card. The process essentially involves forwarding an application along with your fingerprints to the Department of Public Safety. A check of your criminal history will be completed and a fingerprint card issued if you are determined to qualify.
The types of activities and occupations requiring an Arizona fingerprint clearance card include:
- Adoption (through the Department of Economic Security)
- Alarm Agent and Controlling Person Certification
- Appraisal Licensure or Certification
- Assisted-living-facility managers
- Board of Dental Examiners (Dentist Licensure, Dental Hygienist Licensure, Dental Therapist Licensure, and Denturist Certification)
- Board of Fingerprinting members and employees
- Charter school employment
- Child care home provider
- Child day care
- Child nutrition program
- Child Protective Services employment
- Child welfare and adolescent behavioral health treatment
- Contractors, subcontractors, or vendors (including employees) for public or charter schools Department of Economic Security employment (non-Child Protective Services)
- Developmental disabilities (work with individuals with developmental disabilities)
- DES - Employee or Contractor with access to Federal Tax Information
- Domestic-violence-shelter employment
- Exceptional student services program
- Foster home licensure (through the Department of Economic Security)
- Health-science students and clinical assistants
- Hemp License
- Home Inspector Certification
- Home-health-agency employment
- Homeless-shelter employment
- JOBS/WIA programs
- Nursing-care-institution administrators
- Pharmacist and Pharmacy Intern Licensure
- Physical Therapist and Physical Therapy Assistants Licensure
- Real-estate licensure
- Residential- or nursing-care-institution employment
- School Bus Drivers
- Teacher certification
- Volunteer foster grandparent program
In addition, Arizona nursing schools may require a fingerprint clearance card. The clinical work you must complete as part of the nursing degree may include activity that requires a fingerprint clearance card.
If you have been charged with or convicted of certain criminal offenses within the State of Arizona, your fingerprint clearance card may be suspended of revoked. This may result in you being unable to engage in certain activities or continue working in your current occupation. The law with respect to criminal offenses and Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Cards specifically states:
A. On receiving the state and federal criminal history record of a person who is required to be fingerprinted pursuant to this section, the fingerprinting division in the department of public safety shall compare the record with the list of criminal offenses that preclude the person from receiving a level I fingerprint clearance card. If the person's criminal history record does not contain any of the offenses listed in subsections B and C of this section, the fingerprinting division shall issue the person a level I fingerprint clearance card.
B. A person who is subject to registration as a sex offender in this state or any other jurisdiction or who is awaiting trial on or who has been convicted of committing or attempting, soliciting, facilitating or conspiring to commit one or more of the following offenses in this state or the same or similar offenses in another state or jurisdiction is precluded from receiving a level I fingerprint clearance card:
1. Sexual abuse of a vulnerable adult.
2. Incest.
3. Homicide, including first or second degree murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide.
4. Sexual assault.
5. Sexual exploitation of a minor.
6. Sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
7. Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor.
8. Commercial sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
9. Child sex trafficking as prescribed in section 13-3212.
10. Child abuse.
11. Felony child neglect.
12. Abuse of a vulnerable adult.
13. Sexual conduct with a minor.
14. Molestation of a child.
15. Molestation of a vulnerable adult.
16. Dangerous crimes against children as defined in section 13-705.
17. Exploitation of minors involving drug offenses.
18. Taking a child for the purpose of prostitution as prescribed in section 13-3206.
19. Neglect or abuse of a vulnerable adult.
20. Sex trafficking.
21. Sexual abuse.
22. Production, publication, sale, possession and presentation of obscene items as prescribed in section 13-3502.
23. Furnishing harmful items to minors as prescribed in section 13-3506.
24. Furnishing harmful items to minors by internet activity as prescribed in section 13-3506.01.
25. Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for commercial purposes as prescribed in section 13-3512.
26. Luring a minor for sexual exploitation.
27. Enticement of persons for purposes of prostitution.
28. Procurement by false pretenses of person for purposes of prostitution.
29. Procuring or placing persons in a house of prostitution.
30. Receiving earnings of a prostitute.
31. Causing one's spouse to become a prostitute.
32. Detention of persons in a house of prostitution for debt.
33. Keeping or residing in a house of prostitution or employment in prostitution.
34. Pandering.
35. Transporting persons for the purpose of prostitution, polygamy and concubinage.
36. Portraying adult as a minor as prescribed in section 13-3555.
37. Admitting minors to public displays of sexual conduct as prescribed in section 13-3558.
38. Any felony offense involving contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
39. Unlawful sale or purchase of children.
40. Child bigamy.
41. Any felony offense involving domestic violence as defined in section 13-3601 except for a felony offense only involving criminal damage in an amount of more than two hundred fifty dollars but less than one thousand dollars if the offense was committed before June 29, 2009.
42. Any felony offense in violation of title 13, chapter 12 if committed within five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
43. Felony drug or alcohol related offenses if committed within five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
44. Felony indecent exposure.
45. Felony public sexual indecency.
46. Terrorism.
47. Any offense involving a violent crime as defined in section 13-901.03.
48. Trafficking of persons for forced labor or services.
1. Any misdemeanor offense in violation of title 13, chapter 12.
2. Misdemeanor indecent exposure.
3. Misdemeanor public sexual indecency.
4. Aggravated criminal damage.
5. Theft.
6. Theft by extortion.
7. Shoplifting.
8. Forgery.
9. Criminal possession of a forgery device.
10. Obtaining a signature by deception.
11. Criminal impersonation.
12. Theft of a credit card or obtaining a credit card by fraudulent means.
13. Receipt of anything of value obtained by fraudulent use of a credit card.
14. Forgery of a credit card.
15. Fraudulent use of a credit card.
16. Possession of any machinery, plate or other contrivance or incomplete credit card.
17. False statement as to financial condition or identity to obtain a credit card.
18. Fraud by persons authorized to provide goods or services.
19. Credit card transaction record theft.
20. Misconduct involving weapons.
21. Misconduct involving explosives.
22. Depositing explosives.
23. Misconduct involving simulated explosive devices.
24. Concealed weapon violation.
25. Misdemeanor possession and misdemeanor sale of peyote.
26. Felony possession and felony sale of peyote if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
27. Misdemeanor possession and misdemeanor sale of a vapor-releasing substance containing a toxic substance.
28. Felony possession and felony sale of a vapor-releasing substance containing a toxic substance if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
29. Misdemeanor sale of precursor chemicals.
30. Felony sale of precursor chemicals if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
31. Misdemeanor possession, misdemeanor use or misdemeanor sale of marijuana, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs.
32. Felony possession, felony use or felony sale of marijuana, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
33. Misdemeanor manufacture or misdemeanor distribution of an imitation controlled substance.
34. Felony manufacture or felony distribution of an imitation controlled substance if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
35. Misdemeanor manufacture or misdemeanor distribution of an imitation prescription-only drug.
36. Felony manufacture or felony distribution of an imitation prescription-only drug if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
37. Misdemeanor manufacture or misdemeanor distribution of an imitation over-the-counter drug.
38. Felony manufacture or felony distribution of an imitation over-the-counter drug if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
39. Misdemeanor possession or misdemeanor possession with intent to use an imitation controlled substance.
40. Felony possession or felony possession with intent to use an imitation controlled substance if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
41. Misdemeanor possession or misdemeanor possession with intent to use an imitation prescription-only drug.
42. Felony possession or felony possession with intent to use an imitation prescription-only drug if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
43. Misdemeanor possession or misdemeanor possession with intent to use an imitation over-the-counter drug.
44. Felony possession or felony possession with intent to use an imitation over-the-counter drug if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
45. Misdemeanor manufacture of certain substances and drugs by certain means.
46. Felony manufacture of certain substances and drugs by certain means if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
47. Adding poison or other harmful substance to food, drink or medicine.
48. A criminal offense involving criminal trespass under title 13, chapter 15.
49. A criminal offense involving burglary under title 13, chapter 15.
50. A criminal offense under title 13, chapter 23, except terrorism.
51. Misdemeanor offenses involving child neglect.
52. Misdemeanor offenses involving contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
53. Misdemeanor offenses involving domestic violence as defined in section 13-3601.
54. Felony offenses involving domestic violence if the offense only involved criminal damage in an amount of more than two hundred fifty dollars but less than one thousand dollars and the offense was committed before June 29, 2009.
55. Arson.
56. Felony offenses involving sale, distribution or transportation of, offer to sell, transport or distribute or conspiracy to sell, transport or distribute marijuana, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
57. Criminal damage.
58. Misappropriation of charter school monies as prescribed in section 13-1818.
59. Taking identity of another person or entity.
60. Aggravated taking identity of another person or entity.
61. Trafficking in the identity of another person or entity.
62. Cruelty to animals.
63. Prostitution, as prescribed in section 13-3214.
64. Sale or distribution of material harmful to minors through vending machines as prescribed in section 13-3513.
65. Welfare fraud.
66. Any felony offense in violation of title 13, chapter 12 if committed more than five years before the date of applying for a level I fingerprint clearance card.
67. Kidnapping.
68. Robbery, aggravated robbery or armed robbery.
Call (480) 833-8613 for Immediate Help with Your Criminal Case
Arizona imposes very harsh penalties upon those who have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense. Aside from mandatory fines, probation, jail or prison terms, a conviction can result in the denial or revocation of a fingerprint clearance card and ultimate loss of employment. Raymond A Kimble is an Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney who has been representing people charged with marijuana offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, sex crimes, property crimes, violent offenses such as assault and homicide and weapons crimes for nearly twenty years. Mr. Kimble is a former felony prosecutor and was also a police officer and detective for approximately ten years.
Raymond Kimble regularly practices in the superior courts, justice courts and city courts throughout Maricopa and Pinal Counties. If you have been arrested or are facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, call Raymond Kimble today at (480) 833-8613 for a free consultation.
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